News and updates

Start the year with Season Furs: Winter!

On January 11, the furry community will once again meet in Monor at the VR the Magic Experience and Event Center. Look forward to a winter atmosphere, a fursuit walk and an unforgettable furdance party hosted by the Furdance Budapest DJ team.

Season Furs: A New Chapter in the Furdance Universe (Op-Ed)

The Season Furs event series is the latest chapter in the Furdance universe, bringing together the seasonal gatherings of the Hungarian furry community. Opinion piece on Season Furs.

Get Involved!

Furdance Budapest, Season Furs and all related events are backed by a united, selfless community. As a non-profit organization, everything you see – programs, decorations, photos and even venue set–up - is made possible by the volunteer work and contributions of our community members.